Litani Nama Kudus Yesus
Bahasa Indonesia:
Tuhan, kasihanilah kami, Tuhan, kasihanilah kami,
Kristus, kasihanilan kami, Kristus, kasihanilah kami,
Tuhan, kasihanilah kami:
Kristus, dengarkanlah kami, Kristus, kabulkanlah doa kami,
Allah Bapa di surga, kasihanilah kami,
Allah Putera Penebus dunia, kasihanilah kami,
Allah Roh Kudus, kasihanilah kami,
Allah Tritunggal Kudus, Tuhan Yang Mahaesa, kasihanilah kami,
Yesus Putera Allah yang hidup, kasihanilah kami,
Yesus, Kemegahan Bapa, kasihanilah kami,
Yesus Terang Cahaya Abadi, kasihanilah kami,
Yesus, Raja kemuliaan, kasihanilah kami,
Yesus, Matahari keadilan, kasihanilah kami,
Yesus, Putera Perawan Maria, kasihanilah kami,
Yesus, Yang teramat baik, kasihanilah kami,
Yesus, Yang terpuji, kasihanilah kami,
Yesus, Allah yang perkasa, kasihanilah kami,
Yesus, Bapa yang akan datang, kasihanilah kami,
Yesus, Kepala Para Malaikat, kasihanilah kami,
Yesus, Yang paling kuat, kasihanilah kami,
Yesus, Yang paling sabar, kasihanilah kami,
Yesus, Yang paling taat, kasihanilah kami,
Yesus, Yang lemah lembut dan rendah hati, kasihanilah kami,
Yesus, Pecinta Kemurnian, kasihanilah kami,
Yesus, Kekasih kita, kasihanilah kami,
Yesus, Allah damai, kasihanilah kami,
Yesus, Pencipta kehidupan, kasihanilah kami,
Yesus, Contoh kebajikan, kasihanilah kami,
Yesus, Sumber kegembiraan jiwa-jiwa, kasihanilah kami,
Yesus, Tuhan kita, kasihanilah kami,
Yesus, Tempat perlindungan kita, kasihanilah kami,
Yesus, Bapa orang miskin, kasihanilah kami,
Yesus, Harta iman, kasihanilah kami,
Yesus, Gembala yang baik, kasihanilah kami,
Yesus, Cahaya Kebenaran, kasihanilah kam,
Yesus, Kebajikan abadi, kasihanilah kami,
Yesus, Kebaikan tak terbatas, kasihanilah kami,
Yesus, Jalan kehidupan kita, kasihanilah kami,
Yesus, Kegembiraan para malaikat, kasihanilah kami,
Yesus, Raja para bapa gereja, kasihanilah kami,
Yesus, Kepala para rasul, kasihanilah kami,
Yesus, Guru para pengajar iman, kasihanilah kami,
Yesus, kekuatan para martir, kasihanilah kami,
Yesus, Terang para pengaku iman, kasihanilah kami,
Yesus, kemurnian perawan, kasihanilah kami,
Yesus, mahkota para kudus, kasihanilah kami,
Bebelas-kasihanlah kiranya, sayangilah kami, ya Yesus,
Berbelas-kasihanlah kiranya, kabulkanlah doa kami, ya Yesus.
Dari segala kejahatan, bebaskanlah kami, ya Tuhan,
Dari segala godaan, bebaskanlah kami, ya Tuhan,
Dari segala dosa, bebaskanlah kami, ya Tuhan,
Dari tipu daya setan, bebaskanlah kami, ya Tuhan,
Dari nafsu percabulan, bebaskanlah kami, ya Tuhan,
Dari kematian kekal, bebaskanlah kami, ya Tuhan,
Dari kelalaian akan nasehat-Mu, bebaskanlah kami, ya Tuhan,
Berkat penjelmaan-Mu, selamatkanlah kami, ya Tuhan,
Berkat kelahiran-Mu, selamatkanlah kami, ya Tuhan,
Berkat masa muda-Mu, selamatkanlah kami, ya Tuhan,
Berkat segala karya-Mu, selamatkanlah kami, ya Tuhan,
Berkat segala sabda-Mu, selamatkanlah kami, ya Tuhan,
Berkat Sengsara-Mu, selamatkanlah kami, ya Tuhan,
Berkat salib-Mu, selamatkanlah kami, ya Tuhan,
Berkat wafat dan pemakaman-Mu, selamatkanlah kami, ya Tuhan,
Berkat kebangkitan-Mu, selamatkanlah kami, ya Tuhan,
Berkat kenaikan-Mu ke surga, selamatkanlah kami, ya Tuhan,
Berkat kemuliaan-Mu, selamatkanlah kami, ya Tuhan,
Anakdomba Allah yang menghapus dosa-dosa dunia, sayangilah kami,
Anakdomba Allah yang menghapus dosa-dosa dunia, kabulkanlah doa kami,
Anakdomba Allah yang menghapus dosa-dosa dunia, kasihanilah kami,
Yesus, dengarkanlah doa kami, Yesus, kabulakanlah doa kami,
Marilah kita berdoa.
Ya Allah, bapa kami, Putera-Mu, Yesus Kristus telah bersabda: Mintalah maka kamu akan diberi, carilah maka kamu akan mendapat, dan ketuklah maka pintu akan dibukakan. Kami mohon, anugerahilah kami cinta Ilahi yang kami dambalan, agar kami mencintai Engkau dengan segenap jiwa, dengan segenap akal budi, dan dengan segenap kekuatan.
Ya Allah, buatlah kami selalu hormat dan cinta akan nama Yesus yang suci, karena Ia selalu membimbing orang-orang yang telah Kauikat dalam cintakasih-Mu. Engkau takkan melepaskan dari pelukan cinta-Mu orang-orang yang mengakui Engkau dalam nama Putra-Mu. Sebab Dialah Tuhan pengantara kami, kini dan sepanjang masa.
Lord, have mercy, (Christ, have mercy.)
Lord, have mercy, Jesus, hear us. (Jesus, graciously hear us.)
God, the Father of Heaven,
God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
God, the Holy Spirit,
Holy Trinity, one God,
Jesus, Son of the living God, have mercy on us
Jesus, Splendor of the Father, have mercy on us
Jesus, Brightness of eternal Light, have mercy on us
Jesus, King of Glory, have mercy on us
Jesus, Sun of Justice, have mercy on us
Jesus, Son of the Virgin Mary, have mercy on us
Jesus, most amiable, have mercy on us
Jesus, most admirable, have mercy on us
Jesus, the mighty God, have mercy on us
Jesus, Father of the world to come, have mercy on us
Jesus, angel of great counsel, have mercy on us
Jesus, most powerful, have mercy on us
Jesus, most patient, have mercy on us
Jesus, most obedient, have mercy on us
Jesus, meek and humble of heart, have mercy on us
Jesus, Lover of Chastity, have mercy on us
Jesus, our Lover, have mercy on us
Jesus, God of Peace, have mercy on us
Jesus, Author of Life, have mercy on us
Jesus, Model of Virtues, have mercy on us
Jesus, zealous for souls, have mercy on us
Jesus, our God, have mercy on us
Jesus, our Refuge, have mercy on us
Jesus, Father of the Poor, have mercy on us
Jesus, Treasure of the Faithful, have mercy on us
Jesus, good Shepherd, have mercy on us
Jesus, true Light, have mercy on us
Jesus, eternal Wisdom, have mercy on us
Jesus, infinite Goodness, have mercy on us
Jesus, our Way and our Life, have mercy on us
Jesus, joy of the Angels, have mercy on us
Jesus, King of the Patriarchs, have mercy on us
Jesus, Master of the Apostles, have mercy on us
Jesus, Teacher of the Evangelists, have mercy on us
Jesus, Strength of Martyrs, have mercy on us
Jesus, Light of Confessors, have mercy on us
Jesus, Purity of Virgins, have mercy on us
Jesus, Crown of all Saints, have mercy on us
Be merciful unto us, (spare us, O Jesus!)
Be merciful unto us, (graciously hear us, O Jesus!)
From all evil, deliver us O Jesus
From all sin, deliver us O Jesus
From Thy wrath, deliver us O Jesus
From the snares of the devil, deliver us O Jesus
From the spirit of fornication, deliver us O Jesus
From everlasting death, deliver us O Jesus
From the neglect of Thine inspirations, deliver us O Jesus
Through the mystery of Thy holy Incarnation, deliver us O Jesus
Through Thy Nativity, deliver us O Jesus
Through Thine Infancy, deliver us O Jesus
Through Thy most divine Life, deliver us O Jesus
Through Thy Labors, deliver us O Jesus
Through Thy Agony and Passion, deliver us O Jesus
Through Thy Cross and Dereliction, deliver us O Jesus
Through Thy Sufferings, deliver us O Jesus
Through Thy Death and Burial, deliver us O Jesus
Through Thy Resurrection, deliver us O Jesus
Through Thine Ascension, deliver us O Jesus
Through Thine Institution of the Most Holy Eucharist, deliver us O Jesus
Through Thy Joys, deliver us O Jesus
Through Thy Glory, deliver us O Jesus
Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world, (spare us, O Jesus!)
Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world, (graciously hear us, O Jesus!)
Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world, (have mercy on us, O Jesus!)
Jesus, hear us, (Jesus, graciously hear us)
Let us pray.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Who has said: Ask and ye shall receive; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: grant, we beseech Thee, to us who ask the grace of Thy most divine love, that we may love Thee with all our hearts, words and works, and never cease to praise Thee. Make us, O Lord, to have a continual fear and love of Thy holy Name; for Thou never ceasest to rule and govern those whom Thou doest solidly establish in Thy love. Who livest and reignest for ever and ever. (Amen.)
Kyrie, eleison, (Kyrie, eleison.)
Kyrie, eleison, Iesu, audi nos (Iesu, exaudi nos.)
Pater de caelis, Deus,
Fili, Redemptor mundi, Deus,
Spiritus Sancte, Deus,
Sancta Trinitas, unus Deus,
Iesu, Fili Dei vivi, miserere nobis
Iesu, splendor Patris, miserere nobis
Iesu, candor lucis aeternae, miserere nobis
Iesu, rex gloriae, miserere nobis
Iesu, sol iustitiae, miserere nobis
Iesu, Fili Mariae Virginis, miserere nobis
Iesu, amabilis, miserere nobis
Iesu, admirabilis, miserere nobis
Iesu, Deus fortis, miserere nobis
Iesu, pater futuri saeculi, miserere nobis
Iesu, magni consilii angele, miserere nobis
Iesu potentissime, miserere nobis
Iesu patientissime, miserere nobis
Iesu oboedientissime, miserere nobis
Iesu, mitis et humilis corde, miserere nobis
Iesu, amator castitatis, miserere nobis
Iesu, amator noster, miserere nobis
Iesu, Deus pacis, miserere nobis
Iesu, auctor vitae, miserere nobis
Iesu, exemplar virtutum, miserere nobis
Iesu, zelator animarum, miserere nobis
Iesu, Deus noster, miserere nobis
Iesu, refugium nostrum, miserere nobis
Iesu, pater pauperum, miserere nobis
Iesu, thesaure fidelium, miserere nobis
Iesu, bone pastor, miserere nobis
Iesu, lux vera, miserere nobis
Iesu, sapientia aeterna, miserere nobis
Iesu, bonitas infinita, miserere nobis
Iesu, via et vita nostra, miserere nobis
Iesu, gaudium Angelorum, miserere nobis
Iesu, rex Patriarcharum, miserere nobis
Iesu, magister Apostolorum, miserere nobis
Iesu, doctor Evangelistarum, miserere nobis
Iesu, fortitudo Martyrum, miserere nobis
Iesu, lumen Confessorum, miserere nobis
Iesu, puritas Virginum, miserere nobis
Iesu, corona Sanctorum omnium, miserere nobis
Propitius esto, (parce nobis, Iesu.)
Propitius esto, (exaudi nos, Iesu.)
Ab omni malo, libera nos Iesu
Ab omni peccato, libera nos Iesu
Ab ira tua, libera nos Iesu
Ab insidiis diaboli, libera nos Iesu
A spiritu fornicationis, libera nos Iesu
A morte perpetua, libera nos Iesu
A neglectu inspirationum tuarum, libera nos Iesu
Per mysterium sanctae Incarnationis tuae, libera nos Iesu
Per nativitatem tuam, libera nos Iesu
Per infantiam tuam, libera nos Iesu
Per divinissimam vitam tuam, libera nos Iesu
Per labores tuos, libera nos Iesu
Per agoniam et passionem tuam, libera nos Iesu
Per crucem et derelictionem tuam, libera nos Iesu
Per languores tuos, libera nos Iesu
Per mortem et sepulturam tuam, libera nos Iesu
Per resurrectionem tuam, libera nos Iesu
Per ascensionem tuam, libera nos Iesu
Per sanctissimae Eucharistiae institutionem tuam, libera nos Iesu
Per gaudia tua, libera nos Iesu
Per gloriam tuam, libera nos Iesu
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, (parce nobis, Domine.)
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, (exaudi nos, Iesu.)
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, (miserere nobis, Iesu.)
Iesu, audi nos, (Iesu, exaudi nos.)
Domine Iesu Christe, qui dixisti: Petite et accipietis; quaerite et invenietis; pulsate et aperietur vobis; quaesumus, da nobis petentibus divinissimi tui amoris affectum, ut te toto corde, ore et opere diligamus et a tua numquam laude cessemus. Sancti Nominis tui, Domine, timorem pariter et amorem fac nos habere perpetuum, quia numquam tua gubernatione destituis, quos in soliditate, tuae dilectionis instituis. Qui vivis et regnas in saecula saeculorum. (Amen.)
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